January in Israel is the coldest month of the year. The average daytime temperature usually stays around 16.7 °C.
Nighttime temperature averages are in the range of 7.9 °C.
In general, the climate in Netanya in January can be characterized as mild and humid. It rains frequently in this month. As a rule, these are heavy downpours. Usually in January there are 11 rainy days. During this time there is about 143 mm of precipitation. The average humidity is 72%.
Weather in Netanya in January
Overcast and rainy weather is accompanied by quite strong winds. The average wind speed is 9.7 km/hour.
The sun in January Netanya shines for about 16 days. The daylight hours are 8 hours and 47 minutes. For the whole month “gains” 272 sunny hours.
The sea in January is relatively cold. The average temperature is 18.5 °C. Despite this, almost all winter in Israel in the water you can see surfers and kitesurfers.

What to take to Netanya in January?
Going to Netanya in January, you need to carefully select your closet, so that the weather does not give you unpleasant surprises.
Heavy rains, winds and high humidity are replaced by quite warm sunny days. You should take the following items with you:
- moderately warm waterproof jacket
- waterproof shoes
- tracksuit
- sunglasses
- warm pajamas
- light hat
- warm socks
- light scarf
- sneakers
- raincoat
- umbrella
What to do in Netanya in January
The weather in Netanya in January is not always conducive to pleasant walks through the streets of this wonderful city. However, even in January you can find something to do here to your heart’s content.
- Outdoor sports – 8/10
- cycling – 7/10
- hiking – 7/10
- paragliding – 8/10
- kaysurfing – 9/10
- camping – 6/10
- surfing – 9/10
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