
Weather in Netanya in September

Weather in Netanya in September

September in Netanya is one of the three hottest months of the year. The average daily temperature is 29.9°C. There is sunshine and cloudless weather almost all month long. The daylight hours in September are...
Netanya weather in December

Netanya weather in December

December in Netanya is one of the three coldest and wettest months of the year. Israel’s usual hot and dry weather completely changes this month. Winter here is a short period of heavy rains and...
Weather in Netanya in January

Weather in Netanya in January

January in Israel is the coldest month of the year. The average daytime temperature usually stays around 16.7 °C. Nighttime temperature averages are in the range of 7.9 °C. In general, the climate in Netanya...
Weather in Netanya in March

Weather in Netanya in March

The weather in Netanya in March is already quite warm. There is less rain and more sunny days. The average temperature during the day is 18.8 °C. At night, the thermometer drops to 14.9 °C....
Weather in Netanya in April

Weather in Netanya in April

 Before the onset of April in Israel, the rainy winter is in full retreat. For Netanya in this month is characterized by warm weather with little precipitation. The average temperature during the day is 24.3...
Weather in Netanya in May

Weather in Netanya in May

May in Israel is the sixth warmest month of the year. The average temperature in this month in Netanya is 26.7 °С. This is a comfortable enough temperature for outdoor walks, sports and relaxing on...
Weather in Netanya in June

Weather in Netanya in June

In June in Israel is already hot. And Netanya is no exception. Visiting the largest resort of the country in this month, you can count on excellent summer weather. The average daily air temperature in...
Weather in Netanya in July

Weather in Netanya in July

July in Netanya is characterized by high temperatures and low humidity. This month in Israel is one of the hottest. The average temperature during the day is – 30.5 ° C. At night, the thermometer...
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